____Breakfast: wheaties
egg on slice of toast roasted in oven
________Lunch: 2 leftover Enchilada
Diet Pepsi
_______Dinner: tuna fish sandwich
baked potatoe
cold water
White Zin Pre-Bed Snack: xxx;
People think that what they eat daily will always be remembered as normal, yet this isn't true. Someday, my descendants might be amused or appalled at what I eat...
____Breakfast: wheaties
egg on slice of toast roasted in oven
________Lunch: 2 leftover Enchilada
Diet Pepsi
_______Dinner: tuna fish sandwich
baked potatoe
cold water
White Zin Pre-Bed Snack: xxx;
____Breakfast: steel cut oats (oatmeal)
slice sour dough bread with peanut butter and strawberry jam
cold water
________Lunch: raman with 2 hot dogs cold water _______Dinner: Pre-Bed Snack: xxx;
____Breakfast: Creame of wheat
2 slices of toast
________Lunch: Creamme of chicken soup cold water _______Dinner: Enchalateos Uncle J0hnny Cremme Ale (outstanding beer!) Pre-Bed Snack: popcorn hocolate chips gin-n-tonic
____Breakfast: wheaties
slice south dough toast with
peanut butter and
strawberry jam
Snack: popcorn
________Lunch: left overs from last night
rib tips
pottoe with butter and cottage cheese
brussle sprouts
cold water
_______Dinner: Healthy Choice
simply stemers
Beef & Breoccoli
Iced Water Pre-Bed Snack: xxx;
____Breakfast: bowl Wheaties 2 scrambled eggs coffee
________Lunch: picked the chicken carkas peanut butter and strawberry jam on siice sour dough bread Diet Pepsi
_______Dinner: rib tips
potatoe with cottage cheerse
brussel sprouts
white Zin
____Breakfast: pancake coffee ________Lunch: left over chicken haf bottle Diet Pepsi ______ Dinner: Cafe Steamers Grilled Chicken Marinaa with Parmesan Grilled chicken breast with Penne Pasta and Broccoli cold water Pre-Bed Snack: zin-n-tonic cotage cheese potatoe chips
____Breakfast: creamme of wheat
2 slices sour dough toast
________Lunch: 2 hot dogs with
Diet Pepsi _______Dinner: Pre-Bed Snack: xxx;
____Breakfast: Kathie's Big Breakfast of:
scrambled eggs
coffee eake
________Lunch: home beef, potaoto, onion stew with
roman added
Diet Pepsi
_______Dinner: salmon
White Zin
Pre-Bed Snack: gin-n-tonic
____Breakfast: oatmeal
________Lunch: home made beer bread*
cup of LandShark
coffee _______Dinner: home made roast beef with
bread in the gravy Pre-Bed Snack: potatoe chips
cottage cheese
Breakfast: Red Beard chocolate cup cake slice of sour dough bread with peanut butter coffeeLunch: left over lazanna cold water
Dinner: Healthy Choice
Chicken Parmigiana cold water
Pre-bed snack: tablespoon peanut butter
AM 74 PM 133
Breakfast: wheaties coffeeSnack : burieto from Red Beard fancy coffee from Red BeardLunch: stewed chopped steak, onion, carrots and baked potatoe coffeeSnack : Piece Mrs. C chocolateDinner: Lazanna LandShark
Pre-bed snack :gin-n-tonic
AM 80
____Breakfast: wheaties
scrambled eggs and sausage
________Lunch: ramin with boiled carrots and eftover sausage
1872 beer
cold wzter
_______Dinner: ribeye steak
baked poltatoles
brussel sprouts
cold water
Pre-Bed Snack: gin-n-tonic potatoe chips
cottage cheese
Breakfast: chocoate pastry from Red Beard Red Beard latte
Lunch: left over roast chicken cold water
Snack:piece of dark chocolate
Dinner: healthy choice
simply steamers
Beef & Broccoli Tender Beef Stripes Brown rice in a Sesame Soy Sauce
____Breakfast: Kathie's Big Breakfast of:
well cooked bacon
scrambled eggs
coffee cake
________Lunch: _______Dinner: roast chicken aspargus White Zin cold water Pre-Bed Snack: xxx;
____Breakfast: oatmeeal
sour dough bread with peanut butter
________Lunch: egg salad Diet Pepsi
_______Dinner: home made hamburger pizza
Unce Johnys Creamme Ale Pre-Bed Snack: Uncle Johnny's Vreamme Ale
____Breakfast: wheaties with banana
slice sour dough bread with peanut butter
________Lunch: large pancake
Diet Pepsi
_______Dinner: Healthy Choice
Simply Steamers
B eef and Brfoccoli
cold water Pre-Bed Snack: popcorn and
white zin;
____Breakfast: wheaies with banna
slice bread with peanut butter
Snack: popcorn
dark chocolate chips
________Lunch: creame of chicken soup with noodles Diet Pepsi _______Dinner: beef tips broccoli baked potatoe with butter and cottage cheese cold water
____Breakfast: wheaties and a bananna
peanut butter and grape jelly on sour dough
________Lunch: stewed leftover rice pilaf
canned cicken
Diet Pepsi
_______Dinner: lazauna broccoli
cold water
Pre-Bed Snack: dark chocolate
Girl Scout short bread cookies
____Breakfast: last piece of Quiche
peanut butter on single slice of sour dough bread
________Lunch: left over roast beef
Diet Pepsi _______Dinner: ribeye steak
brussell sprouts#/tty>
slice of sour dough bread
tap water Pre-Bed Snack: potatoe chips
*I woke up with severe indigestion 3 times and took Tums. I also ended up with leg cramps 4 times. Then, because Kathie is going back to work today, she got up at 7 am and I slept in to almost 7:15 am! I had a temperature of 97.8℉.cottage AM 138 PM 131
____Breakfast: Kathie's Big Breeakfast of:
well cooked bacon
scrambled eggs
coffee cake
________Lunch: left over Quiche Diet Pepsi _______Dinner: bone in baked chicken Kathie's Rice Pilaf White Zin Pre-Bed Snack: 2 gin-n-tonics snacking
____Breakfast: peanut butter and grape jelly on whole wheat
Pre-Bed Snack: xxx;
____Breakfast: cottage cheese with grape jelly
________Lunch: rather poor homemade potatoe soup Diet Pepsi _______Dinner: beef
White Zin
dark chocolate chips Pre-Bed Snack: gin-n-tonic
dark chocolate chips
3 Girl Scout shortbread cookies
____Breakfast: pancake
_______Lunch: cottage cheese with grape jelly
slice sour dough bread with
grape jelly
peanut butter
Diet Pepsa
_______Dinner: Healrthy Choice3 Chiken Parmigiana
Breaded White Meat Chicken Patty in
Hearty Marinara Sauce with Cheese
Broccoli and
Apple desert
Cold water
Pre-Bed Snack: White Xin
Sees chocolate candy 146
____Breakfast: left over speghetti
________Lunch: baked potatoe with butter and sour creamme
chocolate pudding
cold wter
_______Dinner: all meat pizza (2 slices)
LandShark Pre-Bed Snack: gin-n-tonic
dark chocolate chips
____Breakfast: 3 little pancakes
________Lunch: 2 hot dogs in
Diet Pepsi
_______Dinner: Healthy Choicw
chicken patty
mashed potatoes with white gravy apple desert
cold water Pre-Bed Snack: xxx;
____Breakfast: Kathie's Big Breakfast of
scrambled eggs
well fried bacon
coffee cake
________Lunch: left over seasoned hamburger
3 slices of sour dough bread
Diet Pepsi
Pre-Bed Snack: xxx;
____Breakfast: two fried eggs
toast with grape jelly
________Lunch: quiche
Diet Pepsi
_______Dinner: Kathie's Mexican
2 burrietos
2 andShgark
Pre-Bed Snack: xxx;
__ __Breakfast: wheaties
siice sour dough bread
________Lunch: Healthy Choice CLASSICS
Country Fried Chicken
Breaded White Meat Patty in Creamy Country Gravy
Mashed potatoes
apple deseert
Diet Pepsiu
Pre-Bed Snack: xxx;