Saturday, June 16, 2007

16 June 2007

Out to a "new place" ("The Longhorn") for
  1. a highly seasoned steak (slightly
  2. two eggs (slightly overcooked),
  3. hash browns (quite
  4. whole wheat toast (who can screw up toast???),
  5. coffee (quite
    good) and
  6. water.
The service needed improvement...

A big chunk of freshly boiled roast beef and some slices of boiled potatoes and a can of D.P.

Snack: A piece of "C"'s choclate (a dark choclate truffle).

Weight Watchers® Smart Ones® Meatloaf with gravy and garlic mashed potatoes and a can of D.P. I had a second can of D.P. because I forgot to bring my pills into the office kitchen and knew I could not possibly carry a glass of water
back to my desk whilst using crutches. Also, I didn't want to make the trek to "my" desk for pills, back to kitchen for water to wash said pills down and then back to "my" desk. It sounds silly but even a short distance on cruthes, when I'm not supposed to touch my left leg to the ground, is physically stressful...

Oh and I must not forget:

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