Friday, December 14, 2007

14 December 2007

Breakfast: South BeachTM Diet "All American" Breakfast Wrap and a cup of coffee.

Breakfast #2:
South BeachTM Diet "All American" Breakfast Wrap and a cup of coffee.

Burger King Angus Burger, fries and a large "Diet Coke with no ice (which meant it only had a small amount of ice...).

Homemade spegethie sauce and a loaf of "French Bread" (baked from dough from a tube) and water (I couldn't find a bottle of MGD). I had a very, very good blood sugar level: 129!

My spegethie sauce recipie:
  • two pounds of 80/20% hamberger (meat/fat),
  • three cans of spegethie sauce,
  • a couple of table spoons of brown sugar,
  • "Italian" seasoning and
  • some pepper.

I bought a largish "choclate silk pie" from a local "PTO" (Parent Teacher Organization) at a local "Middle School" (read "Junior High" for us old farts...). It was horribly rich and quite good and I seriously must either take it to work or ask Kathie to take to her work so that I'll be spared the temptation of eatting it. After all, I have a

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hanging over my head...
I had some bad reactions to my dinner...

Before I had the pie, I was feeling stuffed and knew that I should blow chunks. It seems my stomach does not empty very quickly or efficiently these days. I was in bed from about 7:30 pm to about 9:40 when I realized it wasn't getting any better. So, I went to the bedroom bathroom, put my finger down my throat and several barfs later, I felt a whole lot better.

The second thing was more subtle: my younger cat was sleeping at the end of the bed where my feet should normally be. I didn't want to bother her so I tried sleeping "kitty corner" and that just hurt my legs and lower back. I took a couple of (anti-)pain pills. That didn't really help. I then put on some Ben Gay and it burned a lot and that pain hid the pain of the back.

I finally had enough about 10:25 pm and moved the silly cat. Pain ended and I actually got to sleep before Kathie came to bed.

Tomorrow night (actually tonight as I'm writing this on the 15th), the cat will be moved should she be in the way of my feet...

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