Tuesday, January 03, 2006

"vomito ergo sum"

This is a takeoff of Rene Descartes famous quote: "cognito ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am). In my case, "vomito ergo sum" or "I vomit, therefore I am" has come to be all too true!

When I was growing up, we would occasionally have breakfast for dinner. That is, my father would fry up a lot of bacon, then boil -er- fry eggs in the bacon grease, my brothers and I would make a lot of toast ("Wonder
Bread" of course as it was the cheapest!), my father would fry up shredded potatoes in another pan and my mother would do up the coffee for parents and cokes for kids.

I don't see how they could have drank coffee late in the day and am stunned by the amount of sugar "the boys" drank...

Well, Kathie cooked the bacon and emptied the bacon grease before scrambling eggs. I fried shredded raw potatoes in olive oil and microwaved the Serra Lee coffee cake.

To quote the Babylon 5 character Vir Cotto, when told that Centurions (Cotto's species) weren't able to digest Minbari food (another alien species): "It tastes so good going down; not so good coming back
." [or words to that effect]

I have a gall bladder problem and can't digest fat very well. I went to bed a couple of hours after eating the greasy bacon (I couldn't "dry it off" properly). At first, I was just spitting up crap and actually sleep between periods of waking up to find myself with mouth fulls of nasty tasting stuff. Then, I finally had to get up and simply vomit ("vomito") several times. My wife heard the noise and told me "it's all in your head; it's psychosomatic". Hummmmm. It's only in my head in the sense that my mouth is in my head. It is in my stomach.

So, after "steering the porcelain bus" or is it "worshiping the porcelain Goddess", I took some "pink" ("Pepto-Bismol") and then another mouthful to be on the safe side (the "best dose is an overdose").

I went to sleep easily and woke up feeling fine. I have a co-worker who took a couple of days off because he "had the stomach flu". Wimp! Real men vomit and go on with they lives!

Vomito Ergo Sum!!!

(Yes, I know it is "their lives" not "they lives".)

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