Friday, December 22, 2006

22 December 2006

Let me tell you about the jobs involved in the colon check. This is meant as a way to see if one has blood (I guess) in one's stools. The VA clinic MD told me to do this on 30 November 2006 and I put it off because it is (to be blunt) a shitty -er- nasty task.

You start by eatting veggie for two days and eatting only small amounts of "well cooked chicken, tuna or turkey". No red meat or certain veggies allowed. I was strongly encourage to eat a lot of ruffage! A whole lot!

After the joys of this "bulking up", I then had to collect a "sample" of the output (feces) on a piece of toilet paper and smear it on a sample card. The card was then closed and when all three were "filled out" (in a manner of speaking), I put this stuff in the pre-stamped envelope and mailed it. The outside was clean yet I couldn't get my wife to carry it into the Post Office to mail it. (Why not? She had to go inside and mail a package anyway???)

It was every bit as disguesting as it sounds. When I put the third sample in today, the lid on an earlier sample opened. It was a good thing I hadn't eatten breakfast yet because I think I would have vomited...

Dried, rotting feces...

It really was nasty...

Breakfast: Aunt Jemima pancakes and sausage, a cup of coffee and a can of D.P.

Lunch: An Arby's "French Dip" samwich and a medium "Diet Pepsi".

Pre-dinner snack: Several slices of sausage and "yellow" cheese and crackers at work. They were put out as part of the Chritsmas spirit rising thing...
I ate a large "slice" (credit card sized) of dark choclate and of couse, drank a can of D.P. with this. When I jump off the wagon, I take off with both feet; ain't no stepping out on one foot for me!

Dinner: (Veggie again): Boiled broccoli flowers, cabbage and carrots, plus a couple of handfuls of unsalted peanuts and a somewhat ripe bananna. I drank water with dinner...

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