Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day

Breakfast: oatmeal and coffee.

Remnants of the beef stew and a can of D.P.

I gave into temptation at my wife's work place and ordered a homemade choclate milkshake. This was made with real ice creamme and whole milk. It tasted great! An hour or so later, I felt terrible! If I stood up, I felt slightly dizzy, a bit light headed and even a bit out of breath. I had to sit down and then I felt OK. Not really fine but merely OK; at least, much better than standing up. It was several hours before I was back to normal. I can only attribute this to a reaction to the milk shake: maybe it was hyperglycemia?

I have quoted from this website ( type-1-diabetes/ hyperglycemia.jsp ), which spoke of Ketoacidosis
Ketoacidosis is life-threatening and needs immediate treatment. Symptoms include:

* shortness of breath

* breath that smells fruity

nausea and vomiting

a very dry mouth
* Talk to your doctor about how to handle this condition

I certainly had the "shortness of breath" and the "nausea" (but didn't vomit). My mouth was not dry. Well, it was a short term event and hopefully I can change my behavour enough to prevent it from happening again. Then, too, it might have been lactose intolorance...

Dinner: Overly baked chicken legs, boiled cabbage, potatoe and brocolli "florets" and water.

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