Breakfast: spoon sized shredded wheat and coffee
Snack: two eggs cooked in microwave "omelet maker" and later, one chocolate chip cookie
Lunch: Two hamburgers and one bun and a can of Diet Coke
Snack: chunk of dark chocolate
Dinner: Healthy Choice meatloaf dinner and a peanut butter and grape jelly on a slice of sour dough bread...
U2 V1
I think it was the soup I had for dinner that came back up; I wasn't expecting a can of "good soup" to lead to vomiting an hour or so after I went to bed. The second time I was out of bed was caused by a very painful cramp in my left ankle that got me out of bed for a walk to the kitchen for water and to offload older water.
(That is a nice euphemism, I think...

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