Breakfast: I skipped this sucker as I had much trouble sleeping last night. I took pain killers too late and ended up sleeping
into 9:30 am. Then, it was clean the kitty litter box, wait for Kathie to call from her sister's house and I didn't leave the house till after 11 am.

Lunch - well - brunch: I went to IHOP where the service was initially very poor but which became fine after the waitress brought out my "brunch". (I started reading "Ghost Brigades" by John Scalzi while I waited; this is an excellent novel.) I had something I normally can't have as Kathie lacks the patience to wait while this is cooked...
- T-bone steak (The steak was quite good.)
- 3 fried eggs over medium (They were fine; it's hard to ruin eggs!)
- 3 pancakes (What can I say? They were pancakes!
Snack: I made some chocolate chip cookies and they got a bit burnt. Fortunately, my co-workers will eat them anyway...

Dinner: Marie Callender's "Honey Roasted Turkey Breast", iced water and one of my chocolate chip cookies...
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